2013–ALA Boston

Humor in American Periodicals

Organized by the American Humor Studies Association

Chair: Tracy Wuster, The University of Texas at Austin

1.     “Lewis Gaylord Clark (New York Knickerbocker), the Genealogy of American Comic Writing, and Comic Belles Lettres,” James E. Caron, University of Hawaii at Manoa

2.      “ ‘R-readin’ in th’ Pa-apers’: Satire, Empire, and Finley Peter Dunne,” Lucas Dietrich, University of New Hampshire

3.      “American Humor Magazines at 248, Birthday Remarks” David E. E. Sloane, University of New Haven

Respondent: Judith Yaross Lee, Ohio University

Reading and Teaching Humorous Texts

Organized by the American Humor Studies Association

Chair: Laurie Britt-Smith, University of Detroit Mercy

1.     “Solipsistic Humor and the Advanced Composition Classroom:  Teaching the Memoirs of Fey, Sedaris and Moran,” Lisa Stein Haven, Ohio University Zanesville

2.     “ ‘Should We Really Be Laughing?” Teaching Satire and Humor in the Works of Sherman Alexie,” Tara E. Friedman, Widener University

3.    “Breaking Down Barriers One Laugh at a Time: American Muslim Stand-up Comedians and Social Satire in Post 9-/11 America,” Marissa Hicks-Alcaraz, University of California, Los Angeles